Initializing a React App

Desktop > cd folder_name
Desktop/folder_name > npm init react-app .
Desktop/folder_name > npm start

Ways to write Components

// Ways to write components

// Normal JavaScript Function
function Nav(props){
	return (

// Component as Function expression
const Nav = function(props){
return (

// Render the Nav component
<Nav first = "Home"/>

// Component as Arrow Function
const Nav = (props) => {
return (

// Parantheses optional if only single parameter
const Nav = props => {
return (

// Without any parameters
const Nav = () => {
return (

// Implicit return from the arrow function
// Works only with one-liner compnents
const Nav = () => <ui><li>Home</li></ul>


Ternary Operator

// Normal way of writing if...else condition

name = "Bob"
if (name == "Bob"){
	console.log("Hello Bob")
} else {
	console.log("Hello Friend")

// Using ternary Operator to write the same

name = "Bob"
name == "Bob" ? console.log("Hello Bob") : console.log("Hello Friend")

// if condition ? if true do this : if false do this
// comparison ? true : false

Event Handling in React

Using inline anonymous ES5 functions

<button onClick={function() {console.log('first example')}}>
	An inline anonymous ES5 function event handler

Using arrow functions

<button onClick={() => console.log('second example)}>
	An inline anonymous ES^ function event handler